SOLA Duo, driving the broom wagon

yet again I supported the ASVZ team for the SOLA Duo 2017. Silvia and me were driving the broom wagon. The SOLA duo, a finisher event, which takes place only every two years is organized by the ASVZ. In a team of two, competitors run or ride from St.Gallen to Zürich. It starts at midnight and the fastest teams arrive early in the morning in the ASVZ facility at the Zoo in Zürich. The event has lost nothing of its unique ambience for me. Many participants see that as well; they describe their impressions and evaluate it on the online platform as unique or mystical (check it yourself). Madlaina Walther has taken the photos from the event (password is: Sola_Duo_2017).
Photo by Madlaina Walther
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